Zahnstocherhalter - Metallbude
Anleitungsvideo DIY KIVA Modelliermasse Untersetzer Zahnstocherhalter

Toothpick Holder

From Sabrina Klause

A unique piece for your kitchen or desk: This DIY bowl made from modeling clay serves as a storage for items such as toothpicks or...

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Eierverpackung in Frühlingsdeko upcyceln - Metallbude
DAVA Dekotipps Frühlingsdeko Kerze Kerze gießen KIVA Oster Inspiration Serviertablett Untersetzer Upcycling

Reuse egg carton

From Sabrina Klause

Spring is just around the corner and Easter is approaching - the perfect time to dive into craft projects! If you're looking for an environmentally...

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