Rezept: Kürbis-Hähnchen-Pfanne
DAVA Food Herbst Rezept Tipps

Recipe: Pumpkin-Chicken Pan

By Sabrina Klause

Autumn is pumpkin season! And for those who have already tried the classic pumpkin recipes from pumpkin soup to pumpkin puree to pumpkin gnocchi, we...

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Schneller Snack für Deinen EM-Abend
DAVA EM Rezept Rezeptidee Schneller Snack

Quick snack for your Euro Championship evening

By Sabrina Klause

The European Football Championship is just around the corner and you're still looking for the perfect snack to culinarily round off your private public viewing...

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Erfrischender Frühlingssmoothie
Breakfast DAVA DIY Frühlingsdeko Gesund Rezept Smoothie

Refreshing Spring Smoothie

By Sabrina Klause

What could be better than starting the day with a delicious smoothie that captures the freshness and vitality of this season? Today, we are sharing...

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Eierverpackung in Frühlingsdeko upcyceln - Metallbude
DAVA Dekotipps Frühlingsdeko Kerze Kerze gießen KIVA Oster Inspiration Serviertablett Untersetzer Upcycling

Reuse egg carton

By Sabrina Klause

Spring is just around the corner and Easter is approaching - the perfect time to dive into craft projects! If you're looking for an environmentally...

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