Großer Frühlingskranz
Dekoration DIY Frühling Frühlingsdeko Kranz Tipps Türkranz

Large Spring Wreath

By Sabrina Klause

Making your own spring decorations, such as a wreath, gives your home a personal touch and uniqueness. We show you with which materials you can...

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Erfrischender Frühlingssmoothie
Breakfast DAVA DIY Frühlingsdeko Gesund Rezept Smoothie

Refreshing Spring Smoothie

By Sabrina Klause

What could be better than starting the day with a delicious smoothie that captures the freshness and vitality of this season? Today, we are sharing...

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Selbstgemachte Sojawachskerzen in Herzform gießen - Metallbude
Anleitungsvideo candle DIY Kerzen gießen Sojakerzen

Pouring homemade soy wax candles in heart shape

By Sabrina Klause

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and what could be more beautiful than giving your loved one something special that comes from the heart? Here...

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Klassischer Adventskranz - Metallbude
adventskranz candle Dekoplatte Dekotipps DIY weihnachten weihnachtskranz

Classic Advent Wreath

By Sabrina Klause

The Advent wreath is a timeless tradition that embodies the magic of the pre-Christmas season. When designing an Advent wreath there are numerous creative possibilities,...

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Adventskranz mit Moos - Metallbude
adventskranz candle Dekoplatte Dekotipps DIY Kerzenhalter weihnachten weihnachtskranz

Advent wreath with moss

By Sabrina Klause

The advent wreath with moss gives the traditional Christmas decoration a natural and rustic touch. Instead of the usual fir green, moss adorns the wreath,...

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Abstract Texture "Waves" - Metallbude
Anleitungsvideo Art beige DIY Nachttisch Schlafzimmer schwarz Texture texture painting waves weiß

Abstract Texture "Waves"

By Sabrina Klause

Those who prefer a minimalist overall home decor can set deliberate highlights in the room with decorative home accessories. Especially abstract art like this as...

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Minimalistische Muschelkerze - Metallbude
candle Dekoplatte Dekotipps DIY Kerze Kerze gießen Kerzenhalter Kerzenständer Muschel SIVA Wohnzimmer

Minimalist Shell Candle

By Sabrina Klause

Revive memories of your vacation with a DIY project: the shell candle. The shell candle not only creates a cozy atmosphere, but is also a...

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Art beige Bild DIY Schlafzimmer Texture texture painting waves Wellen

Structure Image "Beige Ocean"

By Sabrina Klause

You love calm, gentle colors and the minimalist living style, but are still looking for suitable wall decor? Why not pick up the brush yourself?...

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DIY Gewürz Gewürzpulver Küche Resteverwertung Rezept

Sustainable Use of Leftovers: Onion Powder

By Sabrina Klause

Who doesn't know it: Half onions, drying out in the fridge, or forgotten garlic cloves, increasingly withering away. Reaching for the waste bin is often the...

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