So richtest du deine Wohnräume in den heißesten Trendfarben des Jahres 2023 ein - Metallbude

Here's how to set up your living spaces in the hottest trend colors of the year 2023.

Posted by Carolin Epp on

The trend colors for interior design in 2023: Companies like the Pantone Color Institute and WGSN try to track and predict them. We'll tell you what the current color trends are and how to skillfully decorate your living spaces with these trend colors.

What are Pantone colors?

The Patone Matching System, or PMS for short, refers to a color identification system that is used worldwide. Since 1963, this system has been used to coordinate various colors for interior design. The color system includes over 1500 colors and originates from the American company Pantone.

Every year, the Patone Color Institute predicts the trend colors of the year.However, there are other companies that detect and predict trend colors - for example, the international trend research company WGSN, which has chosen a very special color as the trend color of the year 2023. More on that later.



This is the Pantone color of the year 2023

2023 is "Viva Magenta" the Pantone color of the year. It is a strong pink-purple color. This strong color can be used as an accent color. According to color psychology, Viva Magenta can radiate a calming effect and strengthen self-confidence.

This new trend color is an optimistic color. It is supposed to remind us of the most beautiful colors of nature - for example, a colorful sunset or a beautiful flower.The color symbolizes freedom, playfulness, and has a rebellious, mischievous streak.

However, the strong color is rather rare in nature and therefore quickly becomes the center of attention. It overshadows the rest of the decor and attracts attention.

 Decorating with the Pantone color Viva Magenta - less is more

If you want to dare to use the color of the year 2023, plan well: The purple shade Viva Magenta appears extravagant and luxurious, but it is also very noticeable and strong. For this reason, you should pay attention to a good balance. Less is simply more when it comes to Viva Magenta.

When implementing this Interior Design Trend 2023, you're on the safe side if you limit yourself to accents: You can choose a bedspread, pillows, or candles in this striking purplish-red.

If you want to incorporate more than just splashes of Viva Magenta, opt for a couch or chairs in this color. If you paint an entire wall in the trend color, choose predominantly non-colors or neutral colors for the rest of the apartment. Black metal decor for example, or open metal shelves in black or white.

If you don't like Viva Magenta, you can still follow the color trends of the year and decorate your living spaces with another trend color. The following additional Pantone colors have been selected as trend colors this year.



These are further trend colors for the interior design 2023

Another hot color is Digital Lavender. It was chosen as the color of the year by the international trend research institute WGSN. Many design experts believe it will become one of the trend colors of the year. The gentle lavender shade is not as intrusive as Viva Magenta, but still sets accents.

Further trend colors 2023 are:

  • Lucious Red
  • Tranquil Blue
  • Sundial
  • Verdigris

In addition to some strong color accents, natural colors are still in trend. You can implement these through natural elements - for example, a beige coffee table or a natural rug made of sisal.In addition to the desire for peace and security in one's own apartment, strong colors should radiate cheerfulness and optimism.



Decorating with Digital Lavender - how to implement the trend color in your living spaces

You should remember Digital Lavender - because this color is set to dominate in fashion and interior design in 2023. The light violet tone manages to express two feelings: cheerfulness and peace.

For the living spaces, Digital Lavender is the perfect color, as it manages to brighten the mood without being intrusive. The Pantone color of the year can't do that. In addition, colors with a short wavelength - and this includes light violet tones - evoke feelings of serenity.

So, you don't necessarily have to be sparing with this trend color: You can paint an entire wall in Digital Lavender or choose selected accessories such as bedspreads and cozy pillows to bring the bright violet into your living spaces.


Furnishing trend colors 2023 and metal furniture from Metallbude – a perfect combination

Nature meets metal, playfulness and tranquility meet serious metal furniture. The industrial style furniture from Metallbude can be perfectly combined with the extravagant trend colors of the year 2023, thus implementing a dreamlike color concept in your apartment.

Browse our range now and discover stylish metal furniture for your living spaces. All our furniture is handcrafted from high-quality and sustainable materials.

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