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Healthy sleep is particularly important for newborns. We have the perfect solution for this: onemodern baby cradlemade of metal. Of course, it's not as uncomfortable as it initially sounds. On the contrary! The baby cradle is equipped with a basket and a mattress and gives your baby the feeling of being safe and secure. You can find out why you shouldn't do without a metal baby cradle, which version suits you best, what you should pay attention to and how you can integrate it into your styleMetal shack.
Hanging cradle:
A hanging cradle is attached either to the ceiling or to an extra frame, which can sometimes even imitate rocking movements.
Baby cradle:
Baby cradles are suitable for infants and babies up to six months. They can be placed in any room in the house and do not replace the baby bed - at least not completely. They have rounded runners, which means the metal baby cradle can be rocked gently. This way, your little one can fall asleep better and you can always keep an eye on them.
A bassinet has wheels and can be moved flexibly around the apartment. Like a baby cradle, it is only recommended for babies up to six months old. Unlike a baby cradle, a bassinet does not rock, but the sliding motion of the stroller can help the baby fall asleep well. Both a bassinet and a baby cradle consist of the following components: base frame, basket, mattress and, if necessary, canopy.
Extra beds:
Although cots are not actually baby cradles, they should still be briefly mentioned here. They have a lying area that is open to the side and are usually placed next to the parents' bed during the night.
A metal baby cradle not only offers your baby a safe and quiet place to sleep, but is also a design highlight in your homehaveyou and your little one will enjoy it. Choose a metal baby cradle from Metallbude and benefit from further advantages:
Buy your metal baby cradle from Metallbude now!